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K9 Corral Bed & Breakfast
K9 Corral Bed & Breakfast
Prices and Services
Prices and Services
Package price:
1 dog: $35.00 per calendar day
2 dogs in the same kennel: $50.00 per calendar day
3 dogs in the same kennel: $65.00 per calendar day
Luxury Suite:
- Luxury suite with indoor privacy from other residents (30 sq. ft) (4' x 6')
- Access to the great outdoors (50 sq. ft) (4' x 10')
- Elevated pet bed
- Maid service twice per day
- Nightly turn down service complete with dog biscuit on bed
- Music throughout the suites
- Recess with other guests 4 times throughout the day
- Heated and air conditioned
Additional services:
One on one time includes 30 minute walk or jog: $15.00
Things to Bring:
Please provide enough of your dog's normal food for his/her stay. Also any medications that need to be administered should be provided in the prescription box.
Pictured above selected luxury suites: Starbarks, Under the Sea, Baseball, and Royal Suite
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